

(403) 488-3333


Ongoing Techonology Support

This may sound backwards, but having an IT Specialist watching your technology on a frequent basis can prevent big problems from happening.  Proactive maintenance can help diagnose technology issues before you even know there is a problem, and they impact your business.

Fix the Small Problems First

As soon as there is a small issue with your technology, call the experts to repair them.  If you put it off and ignore the signs that something is wrong, those small problems can grow into big problems in a short period of time.

Educate your People

Having a staff with some technology “smarts” will lower your costs.  They will not be calling your IT specialists on a daily basis  for very small problems that could have been avoided if they had a small knowledge of the problem.  Bottom Line:  You do not want to pay your IT specialists to come and show your staff how to turn on a computer monitor.

Maintain a Relationship with your IT Specialists

Having open communication with your IT provider allows him/her to know your exact needs and help you with your technology solutions.  They won’t “sell” you on what you need, but truly care about your business and provide the best possible solution knowing which way your business is heading.