Your website generates leads, customers, and revenue. It’s a channel through which the world can discover and engage with your business. You want peace of mind that such a critical part of your business is functioning and accessible to your audience 24/7.
It is important to stay on top of security, platform, plugin, and core updates in order to protect your business’s online presence. But keeping your website up to date, backed up, and secure can be time-consuming and a little tedious. It takes you away from what you should be doing, which is building your business.
We’ve recently overhauled our Web Management Plans thanks to some great feedback from our current managed clients. The new management plan is customizable, so you receive just the amount of support you need.
We want our managed clients to receive precisely the amount of support that works for them. We’ve developed a Base Plan which includes only the most necessary technical items required to keep your website running smoothly. No time or desire to make content updates yourself? Looking for custom graphics? Unhappy with your organic search ranking? We can help! We’ve developed a buffet of our additional expertise in order to add value to our existing website management base plan.
We are the web development pros who will ensure your website is never left in the dust.