Warmest wishes for a happy holiday season
and all the best throughout the new year. From our team to yours.
This year Partek partnered with a local coffee roaster in Medicine Hat, Creekside Coffee, to create a custom Partek Roast to gift to our clients for Christmas. Creekside Coffee is an organization that contributes profits from each sale to Lifeline Haiti. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere, about four hundred of Haiti’s children die each day of starvation and only half of all children reach the age of fifteen. Lifeline Haiti’s goal is to provide the children with the necessities of life such as food, clean water, and medical care. Lifeline Haiti has also provided access to education for these children building a handful of schools across the country.
Each Christmas, Partek also makes a donation to a local charity on behalf of our clients.
From everyone at Partek, and everyone we work with, Merry Christmas!