

(403) 488-3333


Operating a business in 2013 without some form of technology is near impossible. It may be your smartphone with your email, a computer running Simply Accounting, or a server with thousands of files and your main database. In anycase, this vast amount of data is key to your business. Imagine running your business without email, or what you would do if you lost a year’s worth of financials!

A conversation with have with many of our new partners is “how important is this data, and how is it being protected?”  You’ll be surprised (or maybe not), with how many businesses answer that question by saying “it’s very important, and we don’t have a backup”.

Take a look at your business and it’s technical operations and determine the data you need to survive. Financial information. Emails. Contacts. Scheduling. Line of business applications. Then work with an IT professional service company to ensure you have the various levels of protection in place to ensure it’s protected.

The best scenario for data protection involves multiple levels of backup, as well as redundancy. You’re planning for worst case scenario here. Data you can’t live without should be backed up multiple times to multiple locations, including one off-site away from your business premises.

When we plan a backup solution for our clients we’re planning for multiple avenues of failure: hardware, software, user error, natural disaster. The best backup plans incorporate a level of protection against all of those elements to help ensure your business can keep running.

The technology you use may be important (desktops, laptops, servers, smartphones), but the only reason you use them is to process, manipulate and read data. Make sure that data is safe.