Since its early days, video has been one of the most powerful and efficient tools of visual communication. It is able to deliver a direct and clear message to a broad audience as well as focus viewers on something particular. A visually appealing video is an excellent way to present a product, service or brand and take user experience to a much more interactive level. For this reason, elegant, creative and professional videos are becoming increasingly popular in Web design today – in fact there is a lot of potential you may be missing out on if you are not using videos to promote your business, either on video sharing websites, or on your own website.
So here are a few of the big reasons to consider video on your company website:
1. Video sets you apart from the crowd. Most websites contain text and pictures. Using video can therefore set your site apart from the crowd offering an interactive and different perspective on your products and services.
2. Video appeals to a different audience. There is a great number of online users that prefer to watch videos over reading text content. YouTube’s popularity is no coincidence. Adding video to your site could widen your potential audience and bring new visitors aboard.
3. Video enables you to show rather than tell. Demonstrating things and explaining some concepts can be easier with video. Sites that have a good amount of how-to articles and tutorials could therefore benefit from the format.
4. Video can be more personal. Video will bring out your voice and possibly your face. Needless to say that this is a much stronger way to interact with your visitors. Secondly, if you want to develop your personal brand, video could help with that.
5. Video reaches different online channels. Given the immense popularity of online video sites, YouTube above them all, video could be used to tap into different marketing channels and new traffic generation opportunities.
If you’re interested in implementing videos on your company website, get in touch with us. Don’t yet have a company website to show videos on? Contact us too.