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If you’re a small business owner you’re always looking for effective ways to save time while maximizing productivity. The next big trend in computers is set to do just that and from the perspective of an IT company, the value proposition of cloud computing is worth noting.

If you’re familiar with Web 2.0 and all of the joys that brought, then you’re probably aware of the term cloud computing and have heard it once or twice. Like all of these tech buzz words though it’s important to get a clear definition of what it is, and then look at the benefits and disadvantages.

Cloud Computing Defined: As a metaphor for the Internet, “the cloud” is a familiar cliché, but when combined with “computing,” the meaning gets bigger and fuzzier. Simply put, cloud computing encompasses any subscription-based or pay-per-use service that, in real time over the Internet, extends a businesses existing capabilities without the need for in house hardware or infrastructure costs. Cloud computing is in its early stages still but examples range from email marketing to customer relationship software, to more technical uses such as online antivirus and spam filtering to backup solutions. One thing is for certain though; As cloud computing continues to grow its market segment, it makes more and more sense for small businesses to take advantage of it.

Advantages of Cloud Computing:

Cons of Cloud Computing:

As you can see cloud computing is still in its infancy, and the pros and cons are tightly matched. Bottom line is that you need to approach working in the cloud on a case by case basis. There’s always a case for cost savings, productivity, and increased availability, but match that up against the security risk of what you’re putting out there, along with the platform you’re putting it, and the support of that.

For more information on cloud computing, contact Partek IT Solutions.