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If you’re a Partek360 customer you’ll be familiar with the monthly reports you receive on the health of your IT. In fact, one of the many benefits of being a Partek360 customer is that you can directly relate the services we provide with the health of your technology, and is a reason why many of our clients love Partek360.

We recently felt, however, that the reports were not providing the information that most business owners, managers and executives want to see. The reports were detailed, but the information wasn’t laid out in the most efficient way. So this summer we set out to redesign our monthly Executive Summary reports, and we think you’ll be happy with the improvements.

Health Score

HealthScoreWe’ve made the Health Score easier to read and understand by breaking it down into three categories: Poor, Average, Excellent. In one quick glance you can now see where your overall IT health fits in.


Overall Service Analysis

ServicesAnalysisIn one quick glance you can see all of the critical information you need to know about your Partek360 Managed Service. Items such as how many computers are covered by Partek360, number of alerts received in the last month, how many security threats were blocked, and patches applied.

New Summary

downtimeThe new summary section highlights two key factors: How much you saved by being a Partek360 customer this month, and how many hours of downtime was avoided by utilizing our pro-active service. This key information can help you gain a better idea on the return you’re getting out of being a Partek360 client.


Finally we introduced a recommendations list at the bottom of the report. Want to improve your health score? Looking for ideas on how your IT can be more efficient or reliable? Check out the monthly recommendations.